An introduction to Doppler Echocardiogram

Doppler Echocardiogram is a test of frequency shift that bound off from and the heart and the vessels. To make this concept clearer, we going to break this into two words, doppler, and echocardiogram. A traditional echocardiogram uses high-frequency sound waves to create the visualization of the heart. The echocardiogram is cool, it can only show the edge of the structure of the heart, but it doesn’t have the capability to detect the speed of the heart. To do that there is a technology calls the Doppler techniques. These techniques allow us to identify the speed and the direction of the blood flows. Doppler Echocardiogram transmitted certain frequency sound waves directly into the heart. The frequency will reflect back from the moving tiny blood cells that are traveling through the heart and the vessels. Therefore, the movement if the cells move toward the tools, it will create a higher pitch result, and it moves back it would result in a lower frequency shift. These formations will then help cardiologists to identify the speed and the direction of our heart every day.

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