This I Believe

This I Believe that education is the secret weapon that helps to fight through obstacles to have a successful life.

My uncle has been struggling to find a good enough job to support himself and his family. Nith was an excellent uncle to me. He cares about me, and he always looks after me. Uncle Nith was always being push to study from my grandpa, but he was then repelled because he wants to enjoy his time with his friends. The consequence of this action is that he can’t get a good job that will provide enough salary for him to live a happy live. He tried to apply for five different jobs, but no one is interested in him. This happen because he doesn’t have the secret weapon to fight the problems that they gave him, meaning that he doesn’t have the education to fulfill the company needs. Uncle Nith moved to Thailand for six years already. The reason he went there is that there is a job opportunity for him and now he is a driver for one of the company in Thailand. By doing this, he had sacrificed many things such as break out from his parents, family, live there alone without knowing any language and culture.

After seeing what had happened to my uncle, I realized what I couldn’t believe was becoming true. My family tried to take my uncle as an example to proof that I must study harder. At that time, I was so careless about my learning, meaning that after I came back from school, I would throw my back on my bed and turn on the TV to watch my favorite movie Sen Ou Kong. My dad usually come back from work at around 8:30 to 9 o’clock at night with tired eyes, hungry and worriedness about me. The quote that he said to me every night is that “I learn so hard to stand where I am today and at the time, I didn’t have any electricity, no really school, no transportation, no anything. And work every day, to provide you the money and everything for you to learn and you don’t even learn, then what is your future going to look like? I can help to provide material, but I can set you, future son.” This quote has stuck in my hard until now and this quote is always pushing me to study harder.

At that time, I was in grade four and I was doing okay in school, but I was not a good student. I always play in the classroom, didn’t do homework most of the time and always went out with my friends after school. After I saw my uncle and many others people who don’t have education life and my father quote every day, it had inspired me to become a better kid and a better student. Therefore, I began to think of a few things. One thing was that my uncle experiment shows me that education is very important and I need to have that weapon as soon as possible because I will need to use it one day. So, I started to learn more at night, do all the homework and focus on school more. Moreover, when I have free time I helped my mom with her gasoline business and read more book as well. After I did that for 6 six months, my learning and my grade are significant difference.  I never know when I will need my knowledge, I have to study hard everyday to fulfill my dream. Surprisingly, in at the start of 2011, Liger Learning Center school came and recruit the potential student to learn at their school. Because of my hard work, out of over 12,000 students, I was selected to be a student there with a full scholarship. This achievement proofs me that my parent and my believe is true, that education is the secret weapon that helps to fight through obstacles to having a successful life.

After this achievement, I didn’t stop, I even work harder because I believe that my belief is the best path to take, in order for me to complete the task that I want to accomplish. I want to be a change agent for myself, my family and my wonderful country, and to do that I need education.


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