Liger Digital Currency

Liger Digital Currency (LDC) is a project that influences everyone in the Liger family, and the outside world as well. It’s basically about creating a platform that allows people to send and receive money through technology, such as smartphones or computers. The idea of this project was started by the Founder of Liger Learning Center, which is Trevor Gile. He says that we should create a digital currency system that will be used by everyone at Liger. It must be safe, secure and convenient . I chose to take this opportunity as an Exploration. The first week we started to explore the Bitcoin Mechanical System and their features to learn more and see what features that we could in corporate in the LDC. Then, we learned that Bitcoin is a decentralized system because they use blockchain. After many discussions about the platform, we decided to have three main teams in the LDC exploration, that teams are the Database, UI & UX team and a Communication team. The UI & UX team is the one who designs the website and makes the user interact with the website easily. Database is the team that best fits me because I have some experience coding JavaScript. The two members on this team are Sreyneang L and I. My team’s task is not a very fun job to code because there were no visual displays. Most of the time the database team is the one who is responsible for the back-end of the platform, like storing the data of the user in a very secure place, and making sure it doesn’t get lost. For example, if you are sending me 10 Pedros (name of our currency, where one Pedro = one US dollar), my job is to add that transaction to the transaction record and also to subtract the money from your account and then add the 10 Pedros to my account total. The most challenging part for me in this exploration is seeing the big picture of the whole project. This means that I am only working on my task and it’s hard to think about the other parts of the project and how they will all combine together. In the end, I managed to start understanding it better and the team was working well as a group and our first prototype was successfully made.Don’t miss my next post!

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